Name: Christina Grimmie
Age: 16
From: ?
What she does: Singer/Musician
From her Lady Gaga renditions to her Taylor Swift covers, this young lady is incredibly talented and versatile. Where many people tend to be skilled in one instrument but not so much in their secondary instrument, Christina's got genuine, solid talent in both of her instruments and very raw artistry.
Another thing that sets her apart from many singers is the fact that she doesn't seem to have any boundaries. By that, I mean she will sing as loud as she needs to and hits the notes she needs to hit. Where many singers on YouTube and in general tend to dumb the song down or do it to match their vocal ability, Christina reaches above and beyond those borders and hits the notes and really makes the song her own without having to dumb it down.
Anything she covers becomes an original. Christina's compositions and renditions of the songs she covers are phenomenal and I really love what she does.
Though I can't tell what her own music is like and why she does what she does, I can honestly say that she does it well. I would love to hear some of her stuff, what she has to offer in terms of personal music and composing.
Besides her music genius-ness she seems like a total sweetheart, a devoted Christian and a very pretty girl. Oh, and she's a total Zelda lover. TOTAL BONUS POINTS!
For the time being, enjoy!
For more information, or to check her out, here are some links:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/zeldaxlove64#p/u/7/TURsJyVUgUM
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/christinagrimmie?v=wall
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/therealgrimmie
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