Name: Krista Nicole
Age: 16
From: Oregon, USA
What he does: Singer
I've been keeping up with Krista's YouTube page for a few years now and it's easy to see how much she's grown as a person and improved as a singer. That's not to say she was a bad singer, but that she's slowly growing into her own as an artist and that her talent has matured and developed over time.
Although I know there's more technique to her than what she lets on, Krista keeps her songs simple and straightforward and I find that refreshing; I get tired of singers going over-the-top on the vocal gymnastics to showcase their talent. You don't need to do that, and frankly I find that Krista's method is modest and suits her voice beautifully. It also keeps the singer down to earth and they don't seem so uptight about their art, which is what it's all about really.
In most [if not all] of her videos, Krista is accompanied by her father on guitar and sometimes the box drum. She also has a few collaborations with other non-celebrity status artists that are well-worth checking out.
Krista seems passionate about her art and is very down-to-earth. Her first EP entitled 'Dreams' is released and available on iTunes!
Here's where you can check her out:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KristaHeartzuz
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ImKristaNicole
Persona Website: http://www.kristanicole.com/
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/krista-nicole
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