Name: Eppic
From: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
What he does: Rapper/Songwriter
I don't know if it's just me, but rap seems to be one of those things that portrays a broad set of themes through a very powerful art. I mean, each rapper has their style and their own ways of doing things...but it's rare that I find one I care to listen to past one or two tracks due to insincerity and tracks done with only half the emotion necessary. It just seems like something that has to be done right, otherwise it's just not as effective. I guess it's just one of those things that either works or doesn't for me. Either way, Eppic caught my ear and interest when I saw him perform on a collaborative video with Krista Nicole, which we've previously featured [click on her name to see her article!], and I have to say, I'm intrigued by his style and performance. I can't say all rap I've heard sounds half as genuine as Eppic's. Every word spoken means something, you can feel it. In my opinion, that's what makes a rapper true to his art.
Though most of the videos on his YouTube page are covers, there are originals good enough to hold us off until some more material is released, which I'm very much looking forward to. The covers themselves, however, are pretty awesome. Most recently Eminem's 'Space Bound' was covered as a collaboration with Krista Nicole, and being an Eminem fan I listened with an analytical ear and a skeptical attitude. I have to admit, though not perfect, it was pretty darn great! Eppic's delivery against the soft vocals that define Krista's style was very nicely balanced. There's a certain air of confidence and an honest foundation to his style and delivery that makes you believe anything he says as if it were his own story, and who knows...it could very well be. Whether it is or isn't, it's very well done and there is a lot of talent in him.
Funny enough, Eppic also collaborated with another of our features- Julia Sheer. They recently released a video together, produced by Tyler Ward, called 'Doubt' which is very much worth a look-see [video is posted below]. Aother track I very much enjoyed was 'Will You Still Love Me', which is instrumentally more on the Funky Rock-Hip-Hop fusion [is there such a thing? Now there is!] side of things, which is a very welcome move in styles.
This is definitely someone to look out for, so keep your eyes and ears open!
Here are some links you can check out: